How To Use Your REMiRx™

The Most Powerful Hair Regrowth Formula In The World™

Congratulations on receiving your REMiRx™

ONCE A DAY Apply a total of 6 pumps, holding the tip of the nozzle sprayer about ½” to 1 ½” away from your scalp at a slight angle. (You may massage the product in after every couple of pumps to get better distribution). Then wash your hands with soap and water.


NOTE: Your REMiRx™ bottle contains 92 doses (because some months have 31 days and 90 days is just not a full 3 months)

NOTE: Your bottle comes with an extended nozzle sprayer. This is to target the product directly onto your scalp and keep it from spreading all over your hair.

NOTE: If you prefer to apply at night, please do it at least an hour before bedtime to give your hair time to dry to avoid getting the product on your pillow.

Now, please read the information below.

Quick but important note:

The women’s formula does not contain finasteride, because finasteride is NOT recommended for women and it has shown contraindications for females, especially of childbearing potential, but the combination of the maximum strength minoxidil (anything more is not only a waste, but not safe or recommended by any clinical trial ever presented to the FDA) and the precise concentration of Retin-A in the REMiRx® patented formula for optimal local action and effect on follicles for optimal hair growth.

SO it is For men to know: If your partner is pregnant or possibly pregnant, PLEASE do not let her touch your hair after you apply your product and do not let her touch your prescribed medication with finasteride. It’s really easy, just apply in the morning and shower before bed. (More about this below)

REMiRx® Patented Hair Regrowth Formula

FOR MEN - (Topical minoxidil 5% with finasteride 0.3% and retinoic acid (Retin-A) 0.0125%)

FOR WOMEN - (Topical minoxidil 5% with retinoic acid (Retin-A) 0.0125%)

This treatment plan contains information regarding the medication that was prescribed to you including but not limited to: ingredient information, interactions, side effects, how to take the medication, how to store the medication and other important information you should know prior to starting the medication.

This is a Compounded Medication

These are not mass-produced, off the shelf medications. This is a custom formula recommended by your doctor. These drugs have been specially compounded and individualized for you.

APIs (Active ingredients)

Your medication may contain one or more of the following ingredients:

- Minoxidil - MEN and WOMEN

- Finasteride - MEN ONLY

- Retin-A - MEN and WOMEN

These ingredients have been compounded in accordance with the REMiRx® patented formulation in a proprietary set of excipients precisely formulated to optimize local delivery of each active ingredient.

Finasteride is a commonly used oral medication for hair loss, by inhibiting the conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone (commonly known as DHT).

When applied topically, finasteride has shown no sexual or other systemic side effects except for potentially affecting the serum PSA levels in a PSA blood test.

REMiRx® patented formula keeps the active ingredient present locally at the follicular level for up to over 24 hours post application, minimizing the systemic absorption and increasing the topical affect on the local DHT production in the follicle, dermal and sub-dermal levels.

Minoxidil is a commonly used topical medication for hair loss, by increasing blood flow and oxygen as well as opening the potassium channels on the hair follicle and stimulation of resting hair follicles. An in-vitro triple blind study performed by a 3rd party leading dermal permeation laboratory showed extended local presence of minoxidil for over 24 hours post application, meaning the active ingredient stays local and works where it is supposed to all the way up to the next day's application.

Retin-A - in several peer reviewed clinical trials, retinoic acid (Retin-A) at this precise concentration has shown to improve cell proliferation in the hair shaft, promoting faster and thicker hair growth.


This medication may cause an allergic reaction if you are allergic to similar medications or components. If you are allergic to any of the following, please stop the medicine, reach to us and see a doctor.




Side effects

There are potential (although low probability) topical side effects with this medication. These side effects may go away with time and daily use.




-Increased sensitivity to the sun

If you are experiencing any other side effects or side effects don't go away or worsen, please stop use and reach out to your healthcare provider or pharmacy or call or message our customer service team.


Treating hair loss with this medication could take 2-6 months of appropriate use to see the full effect.

PSA Test

If you are planning on getting a PSA test, please discuss with your healthcare provider since finasteride has been shown to affect serum PSA lab results.


Accurate Information

We have evaluated the specific health information you provided and are making our recommendations based on it. If you forgot to provide or incorrectly provided the information, we may misdiagnose or fail to diagnose conditions that you may have, which could affect our recommendation for treatment. If you need to clarify or update any information about your health, you can message or call us anytime.

Recommendation by your REMi Medical professional

This treatment has been recommended for you to treat your hair loss because the potential benefits outweigh the risks, in our estimation. It is recommended that you evaluate this information as well as any input from your regular doctor or healthcare team, and any other relevant information to decide if this treatment plan is appropriate for you. Of course, it is up to you to follow our recommendations. However, you should be aware that there may be risk associated with self-treatment without a medical provider supervision.

Sharing of information with your in-person doctor and/or healthcare team

Your records are easily accessible to you at anytime. It is greatly recommended that you update your regular in-person doctor, pharmacist, and the rest of your healthcare team about any new medication you are taking including this medication.


This compounded medication contains finasteride, which is contraindicated in women, especially females that are or could be pregnant. Women who are planning to get pregnant, are pregnant or breastfeeding should avoid contact with finasteride. We ask the men who's partners are or may be pregnant to wash their hands after application to prevent exposure. We also recommend applying this medication in the morning and shower before bed time.

This medication also includes 0.0125% Retin-A. Even though there are no published studies that show risk to fetus at this level in a topical application, we still recommend that you make sure your doctor is aware of your pregnancy or plans to become pregnant.

We care about your hair

We have observed remarkable hair growth and thickening in over 96% of users with minimum or no topical or systemic side effects. However, if you don't see results or if you experience new or worsening symptoms like itching or irritation, please stop use and give us a call or message us right away.


Please store at or below room temperature. Do not freeze.

Additional information

This product is for external use only. Please avoid contact with your face, eyes, lips, and mouth. Please discard past the Beyond Use Date provided on the label. Do not use straighteners, curlers or other hot hair tools until dried.

Pharmacy law requires consultation be offered for those prescriptions that are new, have had a dose change, strength or dosage form change, or have been transferred from another pharmacy. For drug consultation, please contact: The Pharmacy Hub

(888) 958-1382

COPYRIGHT © 2023 Remi Medical LLC. All Rights Reserved.