REMiRx® Patented Rx Hair Regrowth Survey

100% Discreet

No Insurance Required

No Photo ID Required

Where are you noticing hair loss?

Please select one.

How much hair have you lost?

Please select one.

Have you tried hair loss treatment before?

Please select one.

What results are you looking for?

Please select one.

Which treatment have you tried most recently?

Please select one.

How did those treatments go?

Please select one.

Let's start with the basics

This information helps your doctor determine if you’re eligible for treatment.

I agree to terms & conditions provided by REMI MEDICAL LLC. By providing my phone number, I agree to receive text messages from the business. Your data is 100% secure under HIPAA compliance law. Only your doctor can see this data.

What was your assigned gender at birth?

Please select one.

Do you currently take any of the following medications?

Please select one.

Have you had cancer therapy?

Please select one.

Do you have any of the following medical conditions?

Please select one.

What specific condition have you been diagnosed with?

Please describe as best as possible.

Have you ever been diagnosed with liver problems?

Please select one.

Please tell us more about your liver disease.

Please describe as detailed as possible.

Have you ever been diagnosed with prostate cancer?

Please select one.

Was your prostate cancer diagnosed within the past 5 years?

Please select one.

Do you experience any symptoms of sexual dysfunction?

Please select one.

Which of the following do you experience the most?

Please select one.

Do you have or have you had any mental health conditions?

Please select one.

Which of the following mental health conditions currently affects you the most?

Please select one.

Please describe any other mental health condition you have.

Please describe as detailed as possible.

In the last two weeks have you been bothered by any of the following?

Please select one.

Please describe what has been bothering you in the last two weeks.

Please describe as detailed as possible.

Are you experiencing any of the following symptoms on your scalp?

Please select one.

Please tell us more about the symptoms you are experiencing on your scalp.

Please describe as best as possible.

Have you ever used topical minoxidil to treat your hair loss?

Please select one.

Did you experience any of the following reactions for more than 4 weeks after starting topical minoxidil treatment?

Please select one.

Please add any medications you currently take.

Please list below.

Which best describes your hair loss?

Please select one.

Please describe your hair loss further.

Please be as detailed as possible.

Do you have any medical condition(s), a history of prior surgeries, or anything else you want to tell your doctor.

Please select one.

Do you have any allergies?

Include any allergies to food, dyes, prescription or over-the-counter medicines (e.g., antibiotics, allergy medications), herbs, vitamins, supplements, or anything else.

Please list all medications you currently take & all allergies you currently have.

Please list below.

Do you have any other questions for your doctor?

Please select one.

Please describe anything you would like to tell your doctor.

Please be as detailed as possible.